Living Hyphen Endorses PACBI

Living Hyphen Endorses PACBI

Living Hyphen endorses the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI).

PACBI leads the cultural, academic, and sports boycotts of Israel’s 76-year-old regime of settler-colonialism and apartheid, and is a founding member of the broader Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, led by the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), the largest Palestinian coalition in historical Palestine and in exile.

In total solidarity with the people of Palestine, we commit to the underlying guidelines of the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel:

  • boycott any cultural product or event funded, commissioned, and/or sponsored by an official Israeli body

  • not collaborate with or take money from Israeli institutions

  • refuse "normalization" efforts seeking to justify Israel's violence or present a false symmetry between oppressed and oppressor

  • advocate for others to similarly divest from Israel, end support for the oppression of Palestinians, and pressure Israel to comply with international law

Storytelling As World-Building: 6 Years with Living Hyphen

Storytelling As World-Building: 6 Years with Living Hyphen

"It's up to authors to spark the imagination of their readers and to help them envision alternatives to how we live.”

Ursula K. Le Guin shared these words in 2014 as she accepted the National Book Foundation’s medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters, and we’ve been sharing it in almost all of our writing workshops and storytelling gatherings this past year. While she speaks specifically of authors, we know that this sentiment extends to any and all creatives who are telling stories in their own magical ways.

The past year has continued to awaken us to a heightened sense of harm and violence across the globe. From the devastation of living through a climate crisis to the despair of witnessing multiple genocides unfold before our eyes, we at Living Hyphen feel the immense weight and urgency of our times. We take seriously our role and responsibility as storytellers to push for justice. And we know the power of our stories to heal relationships, to resist systems of oppression, and, as Ursula K. Le Guin urges, to envision and create alternatives to how we live.

Resistance Through Our Voices: Creating the Living Hyphen Podcast

Resistance Through Our Voices: Creating the Living Hyphen Podcast

To think that at school, I’d been studying a history pieced together because, once upon a time, someone cared enough to write long letters and poetry about the political upheaval they witnessed. Why should it be any different just because the present is yet to be the past? 

That’s the first truth that working on the Living Hyphen Podcast brought to light for me: that to live and tell your story as no one but yourself is, by default, a refusal to accept anything that might seek to bury your voice. Sometimes it is up to you to preserve your own experience, your own story. Someone has to. There’s no reason it shouldn’t be you.