Calls for SubmissionS

While Living Hyphen is not currently accepting submissions for its magazine, we do have calls for performers. Please click through to learn more and submit your interest.

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Inclusive Canadian Arts & Literature Directory

While we aren’t accepting submissions at this time, there are many amazing publications, cultural organizations, and art collectives all across what we now know as Canada that are pushing the conversation and creating spaces that are inclusive for those of us from underrepresented communities at the various intersections of race, gender, sexuality, disability, religion, size, and many others.

We’ve put together our Inclusive Canadian Arts & Literature Directory to encourage you to submit your creative works far and wide.

We believe there is enough space for all of us and we are working to dismantle the colonial mentality that leads so many of us to believe in the binary, in finite, and limited space. Instead, we lather in abundance! We strive to amplify each other's work and lift each other up.

This Google sheet is our humble offering. It is, by no means, comprehensive. We are hoping to make this a collaborative document for all of us to contribute any publications or culural organizations/collectives that we think should be on this list! So please feel free to add your favourite inclusive spaces. We hope you'll share it amongst your community to cultivate a nurturing and nourishing culture of storytelling in its many beautiful forms.

** As this is an open, collaborative resource, we highly encourage anyone using this directory to do their own research before submitting to any publications or joining any organizations or collectives to ensure that they align with your own personal values. This is meant to be a jumping point for you to explore new spaces that focus on the stories and voices of those of us from various intersections of identity.